A decade ago, Dil Chahta Hai (DCH) movie was released. It took the nation by storm. Not that friendship never existed or friends never went to Goa or any other place for that matter, to have fun. But the movie highlighted the importance of Celebrating friendship! Enjoying with people whom you trust the most. So was the craze that DCH became synonymous for friendship. The youth started looking at friendship from all together different perspective!
With Zindagi Naa Milegi Dobara… another fine piece of art, this time by sister Zoya Akhtar, importance of celebrating friendship is reinstated. It took the dimension of relationship to the next level. Girlfriends, adventure, foreign trip, emotions, pain, child like fight, ego, money, power and then finally friendship taking all over them. A must watch for the ones who liked DCH.
For me it will always have a special place in my heart because last year, we planned a bachelor party at Goa for one of my closest buddy… bookings were done, train ticket were done, all planning was done, money was paid and in the end...boooom! The friend for whom the party was hosted… couldn’t make it due to his work commitments (he being a surgeon). All three of us were deeply disappointed. We cancelled the trip. We showed our anger to him in his marriage and till date we bully him for that. None of us watched ZNMD movie together but each one messaged the other three when the trio in movie plans for the bachelor party! That’s the connect. Having said that, out of four of us, two are married now, so we still have two chances to make for what we missed earlier. The thought excites me!
However, somebody has realized that the world is moving with a fast pace and people have become robots in their own life running after making good living. In doing so, they knowingly and un-wanting-ly (I christened this word) are getting drifted away from their close pals. Friends are always a call away but sometimes you want to see them, if not remove the geographical barriers. Sometimes you want to have that Maggi or a Cup of coffee with your friends all together, though at different locations.
‘Hangout’ feature of Google+ gives that option. I have been on Google+ since it created 'buzz' among the masses. People are yet to embrace the site completely. Updates happen at a snail’s place. On last weekend, I was casually surfing and then I decided to try the 'hangout’ feature. Believe me, I jumped out of my seat with my experience of this standout feature – Hangout. I asked few of my friends to come online on G+ to try the feature. I invited four of them. Two couldn’t join due to some errors but the other two joined and Vollaaaa!
I could see, chat and talk to them - all simultaneously. The multi-chat multi-video functionality is just awesome. I was trying other features also and to my surprise I could play video from youtube site, real time, all in one screen. Jitu signed in from US. He was doing some work at that time. Sarang joined from Mumbai, he was having his lunch and I was chatting with them, simultaneously answering my cell phone. I was delighted that I could see and chat with my close buddies, enjoy watching videos - all sitting at my cozy sofa at home. And yeah not to forget all this for free.
With the fight between Facebook and G+, the users are surely going to win. Some breakthrough technology is going to treat them. The technology which is going to value relationship, personal preference and comfort would move headway towards North.
fOoD fOr ThOuGhT: Friends are lifeline. A relation that gives meaning to life. With technology assisting us in staying connected with friends, I am sure Celebrating Friendship is going to be fun going forward!