If you want to describe this guy, he would be called crazy, emotional, hard working, adventurous and a fun loving creature. I know him right from the childhood. I know so much about him that sometimes it becomes difficult to comprehend about him.
His sole motto of life is to be a good surgeon like his dad. He is extremely dedicated. The position that he is in today, wasn’t a cake walk. Worst of the situations surrounded him. Time tested this guy’s patients and endeavour. There was absolutely no doubt about his talent and knowledge. Getting a title of “Scholar number 1” in school farewell, speaks a lot and narrates about the potential our teachers saw in him, back then. It is the situation and your response to that situation decides your fate. And he took positively whatever came on his way.
Today he is in India’s one of the best Medical institute pursuing what he always wanted to right from the childhood - Surgery. He is in an institute he always wanted to get into - KEM Mumbai. Few people realise very early in their life what they want to do. And very few chase it. People fall. People cry. They give excuses. They blame people and circumstances. But this guy is absolutely different. He has shown his mettle everytime time tested him.
Today, I had some work near KEM Hospital, the place where this budding surgeon is refining his skills. I fixed with him and we decided to meet up for sometime. After my work, I reached the hospital. The thought of meeting charges you completely and I am sure the feeling was the same that side. I called him up. He didn’t pick up. He being a doctor, I understand that he might be busy. I called him again. I messaged him. Twice. Then I went to ward number 8. His room was right there, the last time I visited.
The last time I visited KEM, he took me around entire hospital, telling me about each department as they appeared. Radiology, Casualty, OTs, Anaesthesia, etc. Nothing that I can relate to, but his enthusiasm kept me going. He took me to wards where patients were lying in all kinds of situation. It wasn’t a site to be seen. An ordinary person like me would not appreciate. I mean, come-on, I came to meet him and he is making me see all kinds of patients. But when you look at it, this guy is so much into his work that he doesn’t look at it objectively. His emotions are involved. And then I realised – dude this is his dream place to work at, why wouldn’t he enjoy. They were not mere patients for him. They and their life meant a lot for him. Stories were shared by him and I met few of his friends.
This time when I went to Ward 8, he wasn’t there. I couldn’t see his friends either. Then I realised that he had told me his unit is now changed. Still I went into ward 8, looked at patients and asked a ward assistant, “excuse me, I am looking for Abhinav” He replied nothing and went abruptly. Something striked me. I went to an intern and asked her, “I am looking for Dr. Abhinav. Can you guide me?” The ‘doctor’ word uttered by me made me so proud of him. “Check is ward 6 or ward 7”, pat came the answer.
At ward 7, I was asked to check in Operation Theatre section. I entered the OT section. Few doctors and nurses passed by me. I finally sneaked into a room and asked one of the doctors who looked of similar age, “Do you know where can I find Dr. Abhinav?” He replied, “He is operating!” the answer kind of made my day. I just messaged him and left from there.
There should have been a feeling of disappointment because I couldn’t meet him, yet I was so happy with the answer that he was operating. This guy has finally reached there. It is still time to say that he has arrived full fledged but he is on the track and will be there soon.
I don’t know many people who have pursued what they wanted to. Who have dedicated their life to their love, their calling. Probably Sachin Tendulkar and Steve Jobs are the two entities I recollect who are dedicated to their work. For them work is their passion. I count him in the same league.
fOoD fOr ThOuGhT: Chasing dreams sounds cool. But the path is always difficult because you never dream for less. Chase your dreams and make your life large! Realise what's your calling and go for it!